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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It's fixed!


Looks like they finally got their act together and fixed our internet problem. We don't have anything broken in the house for the first time since Halloween. Now what will I do if I'm not waiting around for repair guys all the time?! We are getting our windows replaced in March so I guess I have to wait for that.

And, as promised...PICTURES! And VIDEOS! I know my parents are going through Butterfly withdrawl. It's been like 3 weeks since they've seen her and I know if I go through 3 hours without her I'm crazy to see her again. So here you go.

The first 3 are her 9 month old pictures, and the last 3 are of that great snow storm we had last week. And the baby back pack that Juice is wearing Butterfly in we got at a second hand sale for 5 dollars. Yes, 5 bucks! They normally run about 70 or 80 dollars so we were happy.

And for the videos:
There are 5 of them. 2 of her crawling, one of Soot in the snow, one of her playing with Soot (SO CUTE!) and one of her tounge. You can find them all here.

She did a very cute thing the other day. She has a little book on her exersaucer and she turned the pages, talked to her self and at the end it sounded like she said the end because I always say that at the end of a book. She is just adorable.

Also, we went to the picture place at the mall and got some professional shots of her for 9 months old. If you'd like to see them, email me and I'll send you the password.

Until next time,
Safire, Juice, Butterfly, Soot


  1. Sweets! Oh happy day! These videos are hilarious, especially the one with the dog.

    I also like the gopher teeth (or reverse vampire teeth). She is quite expressive!

  2. Gopher teeth... LOL!

    She's darling, Cat! I can't believe how big she is getting. I'd love to see the pictures, if you don't mind sharing!


  3. She is a natural-born lady of the theatah! What a superstar!

    And, I have to say I'm so impressed with what a good sport Cinder is. Such a good pup!


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller