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Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Best Christmas EVER!


For Butterfly that is. Tell me how great this is: getting all your own presents. Having two baby brothers who are old enough to get toys and young enough not to care if you play with them. Guess what that equals out to be?! Three times the toys for one three year old girl! She had the greatest time.

This morning she got up early to go to the bathroom and staggered back to bed, missing the stockings I had put in the hall. We were up with the boys (rough night for me) anyway so I walked into her room. I said, "Merry Christmas, come see what Santa left you." Her covers went flying and she was running before she hit the ground. She spent the next 45 minutes playing with the boys duplo blocks they got in their stockings. She got some tracing books and pencils and probably would have been more interested in them if I had actually sharpened some of the pencils. She also got breakfast in her stocking which is an idea I read off of another blog. So she got a granola bar, juice box and an orange. Much healthier than all the candy. She loved it! The boys were more interested in eating the blocks than anything else.

I came down to set up the camera. When she came down, she went right for more blocks that I couldn't fit into the stockings. Then she went to the boys dinosaur (which she got for her first Christmas too!). And finally, she noticed her new kitchen and all of the food that goes along with it. We played with that for a good hour and a half. Not opening any presents. Just enjoying each others company and taking things easy. The boys went down for their first nap and we had breakfast.

We opened a few gifts. Juice got a machete from Costa Rica. Thanks Bro! He wore it all day long. I got a bunch of scrap booking stuff from my mom so now all I have to do is actually print out pictures.

The boys napped horribly. Professor kept crawling on Pirate and then Pirate would scream. When I finally went up there to separate them, Professor had spit up all over Pirate and Pirate was mad. I got them cleaned up and put them in different cribs but they were so unhappy I ended up bringing them downstairs early.

I called my parents and we were able to chat with them. Butterfly got a little camera from them and took a few of these choice pictures today.
After lunch (and another failed attempt to put the boys down) Butterfly had a nap (which she did not sleep in) and Juice and I did some clean up. We currently can not get out of our house with all the boxes stacked in front of our door. Eventually Professor slept but Pirate still did not. I think he's getting sick because he just wanted to eat or be held all day long. We were able to talk to Juice's family and get our dinner in the oven.

Our talk with Juice's family ended in our annual frustration of web cams. But it was fun to see everyone we could. Finally at 5:30pm we did a last present sweep and opened about 10 presents for the boys. Cute things! A new coat, a few balls, and some picture books for them/me. They were only too ready to go to bed and have actually stayed asleep despite our pounding and laughing downstairs.

The big present of the day was our Wii. More importantly: Rock Band. I love this game. I don't know why it speaks to me but it does. We had to have dinner before we could play (boo). I spent the time making the dinner while Juice and Butterfly played. (Double boo.) Dinner was excellent though and Butterfly went right down (while Juice played again...triple boo.) Finally I was able to play some. I failed the tutorials about 10 times. I am having fun though.

I think the thing that I liked most about this Christmas was the ability to talk to our family. We talk to them every year at this time. I don't know what's different this year but I ache to be home with them. My Nana sent me a sweet email last night that I got this morning when I was feeling the absence of my family the most. I never grew up with family at Christmas time. I thought I'd be used to it out here by ourselves. And every year I have but this one. This time. It's rough.

So all of you who have family close, treasure this time with them. It is the greatest gift at Christmas.


PS- I just watched Juice get a 310 note streak on the drums! Man he's good!


  1. Merry Christmas! It sounds like a lot of fun! :)

  2. We love you - Merry Christmas :)

  3. You were above me in roll call today, so I thought I'd stop over to say "hi!"

    I love your quote above the comment box. I may have to borrow that and write it in BIG BOLD letters and post it where I will see it everyday. Sometimes I need the reminder that it's not really all about me.

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas even if you were away from family. We are about 2 hours away from family and we've just moved. So, I know all about the boxes thing!

  4. so it seems as if Juice may be coming out with the next version of rock band all on his own since he seems to have mastered the program in only half a day of playing it?!?!

    we did get to spend Christmas with family this year ... here at our own home. it was wonderful. we are so blessed. we thank Heavenly Father for our home and its location every day in our prayers. having been back east with you and away from our family too, we are truly blessed to be back home. I wish the same for you and your family one day. Until then, is there any chance you could convince your parents on both sides to move to Md???


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller