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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Congrats to Domestic Diva on winning the $45 gift card!  She wants to buy this blanket.  Hope you stay warm and cozy in that!  Email me at safirecat@gmail.com in 48 hours or I will pick a new winner. 


Friday, February 04, 2011

$45 CSN Store Giveaway


Who wants $45 to buy WHATEVER you want?  I know I do!  But I thought you probably would buy something more fun than me (we're out of diapers, again...sigh) so here is $45 to spend on something fun from CSN Stores!

What are CSN Stores?  It's only the place where you can buy everything under the sun.  From adjustable bar stools, to filing cabinets (which we got over the Christmas break) to even flea and tick medication for your dog.  Seriously, they have everything!  Shipping is fast and check out is easy.  Although picking something to get is not!

Giveaway Rules:

This is an easy one.  Just follow this blog.  (You'll see the little widget on the side...click to join those lovely people and enter this giveaway.)

Then come on back and comment to tell me you entered.  You can even tell me what you want to buy with the $45 gift card*.  Easy as pie.

Giveaway will end one week from today, on Friday Feb 11, 2011 at 10pm EST.  (Sorry west-coasters...this girl has got to sleep and I think I've given you plenty of time to enter!)

Good luck and I can't wait to see what you get!

*Giveaway doesn't include shipping costs.