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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Another Contest

This time I'm not running it. But I'm joining in. All of you should benefit since the contest is to post every single day in November. Yes, you will be hearing from me 30 times in November. I hope you don't get sick of me. And if you do, stop reading until December. :)

Go HERE for details.

In other news, Butterfly has a cold. She is cranky! But we had a great time at the pumpkin patch on Saturday. Good times.

I feel very happy with my life right now. Just thought you all should know that.



  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That's awesome! I'm tempted to join.

    Piglet's cranky too. She won't sleep longer that 30 minutes during the day and she ends up cranky because of it. Can't put her down, can hold her sitting, standing, nothing. It's driving me nuts.

  2. That's such a great idea. Maybe I'm dense though. How do I go about getting my name added to their list?

  3. Julia, totally join!!! If anything, I would read your site every day (not that I already don't. No, I am NOT a stalker. Quit looking at me like that!) Sorry to hear that Piglet is cranky. Butterfly did the same thing with sleep. It never got any better. *hugs*

    Brandy, if you go to the website I linked above the picture, it will tell you how to join. Basically you just write a comment on her blog and you're in. Easy enough! Can't wait to check out your posts!


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller