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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Butterfly need a tooth fairy


NO she is not loosing her teeth. We don't need THAT tooth fairy. We need a tooth fairy that eases the pain of babies teething. Because she was up every. single. hour. last night. Nothing but mommy love would do and so I'm exhausted. So is she. She is also sporting another incisor (bottom right) and I think a canine is coming up too. We both have matching bags under our eyes. She's begging to sleep, I'm begging her to sleep and sleep will just not come. Maybe instead of a tooth fairy we need the Sand Man. Anyone have his number or email address?

In other unrelated news, Juice shaved off his beard. He looks younger. And Butterfly doesn't know him and will look startled if she looks closely at his face. This could also be the other reason why only mommy love would do last night.



  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Oh No mommy love is all they want. just think you were not the only one up all night with a fussy baby. I got so tired of getting up so i just laid next to him and he would only sleep if he was touching me so his hand was on my arm and if i moved he would wake up. NO comfort for me but it was sweet at the same time. When hurting only mommy can make it better. well your almost at the end i am just starting with Kaiden. so SMILE your not alone

  2. I remember that phase Tine. It's sweet that they want you so much, but sometimes it's like cummon kid, just sleep, alone! Hang in there, it may not get better but there's hope that we might get some sleep when they move out. ;)

  3. Guys, it never changes. Mommy love is still the best love, you stay up at night at Christmas, when they are sick, when they want to talk, when they are teenagers (this is the worst, especially with girls, but Andrew....well....)

    When they leave, you stay up at night talking with them, about them and playing games with them.

    Sleep is overrated anyway.


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller