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Friday, May 05, 2006

Sounds like...


Butterfly is babbling up a storm. I can hear her first word working it's way out of her mouth soon. Here is a list of things that sound like words, or things she's imitated.

Apr 13- asparagus (we had it for lunch and I would say "Yummy asparagus!" after every bite and she started saying "spuh spuh spuh". So cute!

Apr 17- Totally thought she said puppy, but couldn't get her to do it again. Counting it as a fluke. Sorry Andrew, I know it was your first word.

Apr 26- "Gamdig" for Juice's sword Glamdring. We had been spending a lot of time in the stair well going up and down the stairs that she finally noticed our decor. Now as we go up and down the stairs she points to each sword and wants to hear its name. Also discovered the light here but that's another story.

Apr 28- "Uck!" for duck. We have an animal book that we read several times a day and the first page is "This animal goes quack quack. Do you know what it is?" and she will say "uck!" Also, we went to the zoo this day and she was fascinated by the chickens and kept saying "uck uck uck!"

I suppose all of these could count as a first word, because she obviously understands what we are saying to her. I'm just hoping for that clear, repeatable word to count. Until then, we still have a lot of pointing and "uh uh uh uh!"


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I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller