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Friday, August 19, 2005

100 Days Old


As of Aug 17th, Butterfly is 100 days old. When I was pregnant, I would watch a lot of birth story TV...and one story stuck out in my mind for 2 things. First, because the couple were so miss matched in age...she was in her early 30's, he was in his 60's with grown kids HER age. Um, ew! The other thing that stuck out in my mind was the little party they gave their son when he turned 100 days old. When Butterfly was close to that day, I got curious and decided to do a little research (as much research as one can do with a baby) why these people were having a party for him when he was 100 days old.

According to Babyzone.com "On the hundredth day some Chinese families host another celebration. Friends and family bring fish and chicken to the child's home. When the chicken is cooked, the tongue is rubbed on the baby's lips to make the child a good talker. And the baby's paternal grandfather may present the baby with a rocking chair."

Juice and I celebrated Butterfly being 100 days old, just not like this. There was no tongue rubbing with chicken tongues or any other poultry. So sorry Butterfly, no good talking for you right now. Although I'm sure she'll talk just fine when the time comes. Not quiet looking forward to the all the why's just yet.

But I digress. 100 days. Right. Since we already have a rocking chair I think Elden is safe from that ritual too. But why have a party anyway? A little more digging (and I stress VERY little), I got my answer off of asiaparenting.com. Most articles were in another language (not even going to guess what) but I did find one article in English that gave me my answer. "Some traditions dictate that the mother and baby stay inside for 100 days, and then come out with a celebration." Aha! So that's the reason for the party. Not really for the baby (hurray you've lived 100 days!) but for the mom (you poor thing...shut off from the world for over 3 months...). Let me tell you the idea of being shut inside for 3 months is daunting! I couldn't do it. I go a week without really going anywhere I get a little stir crazy. Granted, the new mom isn't totally shut off. Her mother, sisters, mother-in-law and sometimes her husband are allowed to visit. More traditions indicate what the new mother should eat as well, called confinement food. Mostly that includes teas and such to promote healing. Not a bad idea.

I know in Europe they used to confine the women during the pregnancy and just after. That is where the term "Estimated Date of Confinement" comes from. Like my EDC was May 20th, or my due date. Not sure how long Europeans confined their women. Didn't have time to check.

The first 6 weeks after Butterfly was born I sort of felt like I was in confinement. We were careful to take her out only sporadically. Mostly to church and then to my mom's group when that started (I believe she was 6 weeks old). But I can't imagine just NOW coming out of that confinement. Ugh...no thank you!

So we celebrated Butterfly 100 days with a trip to the toy store and something fun for everyone. Butterfly got a mirror that lights up and plays classical music. I got a little bug that when you pull a cord, it shakes. And Juice bought the puppy a little dog that when you shake it, it says "Uh oh...woof woof woof". The puppy tore it up in a matter of 20 minutes.

I am going to have such a hard time keeping the dog off of Butterfly's toys.

Until next time,
Safire, Juice, Butterfly and Soot


  1. Awww happy 100 days (sorry I'm a little late)

    And hi by the way, fellow MD'er. Baltimore City to be exact. Saw you on Brody's Blog.

  2. Hey, Cat!

    I have no idea why I never thought to check your blogger profile and find your blog. sheesh... anyways, I'm so glad to find it! I thought maybe you were going to move on to Babies Today or something, but blogs are lot more fun than iParenting's forums anyways. I love the idea of the 100 days celebration! Sounds so fun!


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller