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Monday, February 13, 2006

9 Months and another thing broken


Butterfly turned 9 months old on Friday. Being the party animals we are, we celebrated by going to the doctor. Butterfly is a healthy girl, weighing in at 23 lbs and she is 30 inches long. She has 4 teeth (two bottom, two upper) and can pick up teeny tiny little things with that cute pincher grasp. She has discovered her tounge and talks with it out, smiles with it out, complains with it out...you get the idea. She can touch her nose with it which is pretty cool. She has also picked up the annoying habit of shyness when she smiles (she will smile and look away all cute like). She is still a major people person. But only when I'm holding her. Can anyone say 'Stranger Anxiety'?

She has turned into a decient napper, taking two 1 hour + naps a day. She is normally up around 6am (or whenever Juice gets up) and normally I can convince her to go back to sleep until about 8am. Unless I need the car and we leave to take Juice to work around 7am. On Mondays and Fridays I go to the gym so she gets to play in their Kid Stop for an hour or so. And around 11am is her first nap. Today she slept from 10am till 12:30am! Then we will play, I'll dress her for the day, and do some errands, depending on the day. She normally will sleep again around 3pm and this is typically her really long nap. She almost always sleeps 2+ hours in the afternoon. When she wakes up, we play some more until Daddy gets home. And then she plays with Daddy while I get the dinner ready and have some alone time. After dinner, we normally take the dog for a walk, get her ready for bed and down she goes around 8:30pm or 9pm.

She eats anything we offer to her off of our fingers. She is hit and miss with stuff from spoons. Lately she has been eating avacado which she is okay with. But she's had squash (loads of squash), refried beans, pancakes, bread, steak, chicken, potatoes, apples, kiwi, muffins (that was a hit), asparagus, bananas, and rice. She is still only getting one meal of solid foods a day because she is just not interested in eating solid stuff until dinner time. She LOVES cups and no drink is safe around her. She drinks well from an open cup, a sippy cup and can even drink from a straw. She likes juice (what kid doesn't) but we water it down for her.

She has started to crawl on her belly. It's more of an elbow elbow toe toe toe toe move but she does moter forward. I have a video of it coming later. She can also sit herself up, stand up when propped, and is starting to cruise along the couch. The best thing to get her moving is either the dog's toys or the camera. She and the dog play really well together. I also have a video of that.

The dryer is fixed (angels singing) but now our internet is broken. Which is why I don't have the videos or even pictures of her. I can connect, it's just painfully slow. Our internet provider doesn't know what the problem is so I have no idea when it will be fixed. But when it does, many pictures coming your way. You are warned.

She is really loving her swimming lessons and will splash and kick on command now. It's so neat to see her really understanding what we are saying. She knows what Mama means and will call me when she really wants me. I bet her first word will be puppy or Soot or ducky (a favorite toy) but you never know.

We had a huge snow storm yesterday and got about 8 inches. Very fun for me and Juice. We missed the snow. Soot likes the snow but it balls up in her fur and then she can't walk. And Butterfly isn't really sure what it is but I have cute pictures of her in it because, well, all parents have to put their kids in their snow suits and take pictures of them. Don't they? :)

We left Butterfly with our neighbor Ida for an evening last week and went out to dinner for Valentine's day. It was okay, but we learned that Butterfly cried pretty much the whole time we were gone. Sorry Ida!

I also got a girls night out with my mom's group. That was a ball and we talked babies, bodies, and first birthdays. Hard to imagine that Butterfly will be a year old in a few months. She is looking more and more like a little kid every day. Where did the baby go? Anyway, I had a really great time talking to everyone and having a meal to eat at my own pace. We plan on continuing that every 2nd Thursday of the month. I'm very excited.

Well, I think you are up to date now. Hopefully our internet will be back up to full speed soon and I can post more often. Unlike Andrew who hasn't posted since...well, see for yourself. ;) (I'm only kind of kidding Bro...update your blog! Edited to add that I went and saw for myself and he has updated today. So good job Bro!) And Dad, you haven't posted since October. Just an FYI. Love you guys!

Until next time,
Safire and Butterfly

PS- Forgive the spelling.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't that snow storm incredible?! We had such a good time with Delia, for whom this was her first big snow. She was hilarious----zooming around with her nose down like a furry snow plow. =)

    Hooray for date night, too!! Glad to hear you guys are getting to have some special time together. Always so important, I think....


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller