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Friday, September 22, 2006

Sugar and Spice


It's amazing how things can turn on a dime with Butterfly. One minute she's sweet as can be, and the next, she is just awful. A few days ago, I had one of those mornings with her. Everything I did (or didn't do) brought her to tears. Laying on the floor sobbing dramatically type of tears. She had been up since 4:30am, and was just being a bear. I am still trying to wean her and I know that every time I drop a session, she has one really bad day. Well, this happened to be her bad day. She slept very little that afternoon for a nap (repair guys woke her up). It was so bad I had to have Juice come and help me out for a while. I couldn't take all the crying anymore!

Then, as I was leaving for mutual, I kissed Juice goodbye and she was in the backpack. She leaned over, looked at me and kind of puckered her lips. She then got a full round of kissing from me, giving kisses in return! Is there anything better?! It made the whole horrible day so worth it.

In other news, my blog has now been updated. You will notice the new blog roll on the left, along with some snazy new colors. :) I'm really enjoying blogger's updates and it has given me the things I want to do. Also, be on the look out for some bigger changes in the next few days (as soon as I can finish them).

Long over due pictures:

1 comment:

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller