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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

7 month update


Butterfly turned 7 months old on Saturday. It occurred to me that she is now closer to being a year old than she is a newborn. Seriously, does time go this fast all the time?!

She is still not sleeping great. BUT, 2 nights ago she slept from about 11:30pm till 7:30am straight! *angels singing* She didn't repeat it last night but slept better. She is also starting to sleep longer during her naps. Instead of 20 minute power naps, she's asleep for at least an hour, sometimes 2. All I can say about the sleeping thing is that it better get better. I am SO tired. I've considered asking Juice for a hotel room for a few nights for Christmas and letting him deal with screaming child at night. The plan is to start her crying herself to sleep in her own room this weekend. I feel like such a mean parent by doing it but seriously, it's got to happen.

She has 3 teeth. 2 on the bottom, and one on top. The top one keeps coming in and out of sight. It's like peek-a-boo with teeth! I thought I saw the companion top tooth last night so maybe since they are coming through, she'll start to sleep again.

She weighs 22 lbs, 6 oz and didn't grow an inch this month. Of course, I could be wrong in my measuring (they are much better at it at the doctor's office). Her head grew 1/4th of an inch so she is growing.

Her favorite things right now is her door jam bouncer, and the puppy. She is wild about the dog. It's so funny to see her in her bouncer trying to jump towards the puppy and squealing.

In other news: JUICE'S LAST FINAL EVER IS TONIGHT! We are so excited. Pray that he'll pass this class so he can graduate in May. So many possibilities open up with this final final. :) We can't wait!

Until next time,
Safire, Juice, Butterfly, and Soot

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's already 7 months old! She's growing up so fast... and so dang cute!


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller