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Monday, June 05, 2006

Miles apart


Juice is in San Francisco this week for a business conference. I miss him really bad. I know it may sound corny but we've never been apart except for Butterfly's birth. And that time I wasn't sleeping in the house alone. Besides, who will change poopy diapers and catch crickets for me this week?

To top that off, Butterfly is not sleeping. Does anyone know where I can get some elephant darts? She was screaming from 9pm to 3am last night. She's cried so hard her capillaries in her face have all broken. Poor girl. I don't know what her problem is...and I'm kind of at a loss of what to do. Maybe she has a tooth coming in. It better be 2 or 3 at once because she is a banshee!

Pray for me...if I don't get some sleep soon I may just have to run for Canada. (It's closer than Mexico.)



  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Well i know how you feel in both parts Zuke was out of town to Virginia for a whole week when i was 7 months pregnent. And then to Texis for 3 nights about 2 months ago and i was left in the house both times saying please please please nothing go wrong.
    And the other hand last week Kaidens sleep was off and he was waking up every other hour yelling at me it's so hard not knowing what to do and you know they are looking at you saying help me mommy fix my pain.

  2. You poor things! I take it she didn't have a fever . . . have you tried Tylenol? I've heard a wet washcloth for them to chew and suck on can help with the teething, haven't had to try it yet. If all else fails call the ped. that's what I'd do! I'm so sorry your going through this! I hope Jeff gets home soon. Ryan's work wanted to send him to Amsterdam for two weeks in June . . . right when we're supposed to move . . . I was like No! I'm not going to move into our new house and take care of a six month old, are you crazy!! Thank goodness it was an optional trip!

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    besides, Canada's got cooler temperatures too. You've got humidity, but I'm dying of heat. I know, that's totally normal, right? I think I'm ready for it to go away now.

    BTW, I got your package today! YAY! So very cute! The pirate one had me laughing so hard. Thank you so much! And I look forward to seeing you in August!

  4. So sorry about the grumpy baby! But, I'm glad you had a good time with all your company while everyone was in town! I love hanging out in downtown Ananpolis, and going down to the dock. We always end up at that big gelato shop. So fun!


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller