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Saturday, June 10, 2006

So so tired...


Thanks for the well wishes when Juice was away! He had a good time except his flight got cancelled, he got food poisoning and had to actually find a tourist trap to bring me something back from SF. (A cute trolley car music box...Brownie points for Juice!) Anyway, he had a good time and Butterfly and I survived. We actually survived with some sleeping through the night the last night. It felt SO good.

I also spent most days going to the post office. I had things to mail and I forgot them at least 3 times. But everything is mailed out and everyone got their mail. Drat, I just remembered that I have year old pictures of Butterfly to send to everyone. Who wants one? Oh and did you know that you can now buy a roll of first class stamps at the post office? I didn't. But now I do! Yay! NO more buying 2 cent stamps if they decide to raise stamp prices again.

Let's see, I also scheduled all of our excursions for when we go to Hawaii, ate a lot of food out, did a lot of walking with the dog, and visited this very cool park with Butterfly. I took pictures but of course, the camera is down stairs and I don't have the energy to go and get it.

Now that he is home, I feel like this big weight has been lifted from my shoulders. And I am TIRED. I slept in this morning until noon, and I never do that. I don't think I did that much as a teenager! And 8pm rolled around tonight and I had to fight myself to stay awake. Which is why I'm online right now. But now it's 9:30 ish and that's a perfectly respectable time to go to bed. Right?

Also, we've decided on a whim to go to Assatague Island in 2 weeks. I've always wanted to see the horses and as Juice put it, "I don't know how long we'll be here anymore so let's not put anything off." Cool...wild horses here we come!


PS- Butterfly is 13 months old today. No stats because I told myself I'd stop doing that every month when she hit a year. So we'll have stats and an update when she goes to the doctor at 15 months.

1 comment:

  1. I want a one-year picture! I'm glad that Jeff's back! So, is he thinking that you guys will be moving soon? How exciting! Is CO still you goal destination?


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller