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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Not again.


What is it with this house and creepy crawlies?! Since we put our new front door in and new windows, it has cut down on the amount of ickies that get in. But we still get the odd alien looking cricket. But remember our worst creepy crawly? Well, ack spider take two!

Yes, people, we have had another sighting. Honestly I don't mind big spiders outside. That is where they are supposed to be. But one of these in my house? UGH!!!!!

This time we were smart and took pictures before we sucked it up with the shop vac. This spider almost didn't make it into the shop vac. It ran AWAY from the suction people. It was inches from it's body and it was able to skitter a few steps away. Then it turned to attack Juice and lost.

Ew ew ew ew!!!

*EDITED TO ADD* PS- Turns out this is a dark fishing spider. Not harmful but icky icky. It makes sense since we live so close to a few ponds and streams. Look here if you want more info.


  1. OH. GOOD. LORD. That thing looks like it could easily sit down to a steak dinner, and leave no leftovers.....

    Speaking of creepies.....my boss told me that the basement of one of our buildings has a WOLF SPIDER living in it.....google that for a big fat nightmare....aiy!

  2. Wolf spiders are fairly common in Utah, but not the size that they get out here!!! I googled it and I wouldn't be going into that basement if I were you!!



I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller