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Tuesday, June 12, 2007



Thank you for all your kind notes and flowers and gifts that you have sent me. It's nice to know that everyone loves and is thinking of us. It's hard to loose this baby so far into the pregnancy. I seriously thought we were past the danger point. That makes it 10 times worse.

However, Juice and I are choosing to focus on the future. I am going to put all of the ultrasounds (3 of them, all with heartbeats) and all the notes and all the belly pictures I took into a safe place. I don't want to forget this pregnancy, but I don't want to dwell on it either. I did feel the baby move first around 11 weeks. I thought the baby was strong. I have no doubt that another strong baby will come into our lives and we will get to see him or her grow up. S/he better not be strong willed though. We already have one of those and I think 2 of them will drive me screaming from the house. :)

I am playing phone tag with both my OB's office and my RE's office (that's the place where we go to GET pregnant) and we're thinking of starting things up again in the fall. That is if my hormone levels are going down appropriately. Don't expect me to talk about the RE here. It makes me moody and cross and I don't like myself while on the hormones. And don't expect me to say anything once I do get pregnant for awhile. The hardest thing this time has been telling other people. Juice and I took turns crying on the phone for a few days telling everyone. Our parents were nice enough to tell family for us.

Butterfly for about 3 days wanted to see the baby in my belly. I'm so glad that her memory is short.

I see a big thunderstorm rolling our way so I should go. Thanks again.


1 comment:

  1. Cat, would you mind e-mailing me your address? I have something for you. :)



I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller