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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Butterfly's First Movie


Last night we made an impulsive trip to the theater with Butterfly's friend Vinny and his parents. They had been begging us to go to the movies with them, and I had been pretty hesitant. I mean, I have a 2 year old. Would a 2 hour movie mix with the 2 year old's attention span? Oh, not to mention the time they take for previews (which I will skip next time, thank you very much...too scary!). But I figured we had to start somewhere and you can't really go wrong with a D*isney/Pi*xar movie. Why not?

So off we went. It was a little fraught with peril following Vinny's car (no no! don't loose it! Vinny!) and a poopy diaper change in the women's bathroom (no! no! I want DADDY! DADDY!) because there was no changing station in the men's bathroom. But we made it to our theater and sat down with our popcorn. Butterfly loved the popcorn. Good thing too because the projector must have gotten stuck or something. It paused on that screen that said turn off your cell phones and stayed there for 10 minutes. Finally Juice went out to see what was going on and shortly after he came back, the movie started. Yay!

Oh, before the movie started Vinny was holding up popcorn to Butterfly to show her and she said, "No thank you Vinny. I have my own popcorn." This kid is going to grow up very polite. Not a bad thing because it's so so cute now.

Butterfly was very good in the movie. She only had to be taken out once to have another diaper change (never feed your kid cranberry sauce the day before!) and she spent most of the movie with her head on Juice's arm. She did keep trying to say "Hickory Dickory Dock" because of the rat in the movie. At the end of the movie she clapped her hands and got the whole theater to do it too. But she sat in that chair and watched. I was amazed.

The short before the film was cute, and we were all laughing. (Butterfly included but I don't think she knew what we were laughing about.) The short was about aliens and at the end, when the alien ship sped away, she said "Yay hooray! We did it!" And not quietly either. The whole theater laughed.

At the end of the show, Juice asked her how she liked the movie. She looked at him, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "It wasn't Little Einsteins." Guess what her favorite show is right now?

And yes, the movie wasn't Little Einsteins. I am so happy it wasn't!


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I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller