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Friday, July 10, 2009

On the Road


I have stuff to talk about from my trip (lots and lots of stuff) but right now we are on the road going home.  I am sad and happy at the same time.  I loved being in Utah but I miss Juice and my house and all my friends.

We are about half way home in Missouri.  We stopped here so my Dad could get some BBQ and we could have a little bit of time outside the car.  Because yesterday, we traveled over 900 miles in one day.  We left at 7am (2 hours late...had to pack the car) and stopped in Nebraska at around 11pm.  My legs were so tired of being cramped up in the jam packed car.  This is Flower's first long road trip.  I don't think she finds it as glamorous as it is in books.  Still, she's been a big help.

Today we were able to stop in Far West and get out and walk around the temple sight.  We got there right before a huge tour bus of teenagers.  We found 2 baby birds on the ground and took some nice pictures.

We got to the hotel early tonight and took the kids swimming.  The pool was really cold but the boys loved in.  Butterfly even more.  We're off to Ohio tomorrow and then to Maryland on Sunday!



  1. I can't wait to see you again!! Just FYI--a few of us (bloggers-incl. DiPaola Momma) are going to Sandy Point on Tuesday. I'm sure it's too soon after you return, but figure it's worth letting you know just in case!

  2. I'm so glad that your trip was worth, well, the trip!
    some day you're going to look back and think, "Wow. What were we thinking?" Maybe you already have.
    But if I've said it once, I'll still say it one thousand times again ... I cannot believe the things you do with twin one-year-old boys and a sister too!
    way to go!

  3. WELCOME HOME!!!!! :)

  4. When you feel up to it a BBQ my house

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful adventure! :)


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller