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Friday, May 22, 2009

Fun with Friends


We went to another birthday party today. This time it's for my good friend AJ (Lolli's last baby). She and I actually became friends because of these two little kids. We were pregnant at the same time and had our babies 8 days apart. (Yes Splats, his birthday is Strong Bear's birthday too.) We spent a lot of time talking in the nursing lounge at church. I was a brand new mom and looked up to her to see what she was doing with #5.

Now I still look up to her and Butterfly and AJ play well together. Probably because they have been playing together from very early on. Either way, I hope these two stay friends. (PS- This picture is of them over a year ago...they have grown up so much!)

Since it was AJ's birthday this week, we had a party. Lolli invited 3 other kids AJ's same age (Butterfly being the only girl, didn't stop her!) and of course, my boys and another younger sibling of one of the boys (I think she is almost the same age as the boys) and an older sister (much older, 11 I think...she is home schooled). We went to the park by their house and the kids played so much! We had cupcakes and little snacks and opened presents and swung on swings and ran and ran and ran. Butterfly had a ball.

Thanks Lolli for another fun day together!

After the party, Juice was home and I went grocery shopping. And then I came home to the house in chaos. The boys were screaming for me, Juice was feeling ill (stomach thing) and Butterfly was cross. I got everyone fed, changed (not Juice), soothed and back in order. Guess I'm doing okay at this mommy thing so far. Once the boys were in bed, Butterfly and I went off to buy more birthday presents for our last party next week.

We also stopped by the mall because the camera store there is closing and I wanted to see what they had (next to nothing). We got some milk shakes and came home. It was nice just to have some time with Butterfly and not have to worry about who else to take care of.

It was a great day but I am beat!



  1. It was a very fun day! Thanks for coming over! See you tomorrow! :)

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I hope they stay friends, but it will be hard when they start school and face all of the pressure to only play with their own gender. I don't remember having any boy friends during elementary school even though I did in preschool and in middle school.

  3. Looks like it was a fun day.
    Dropped by from SITS.


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller