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Sunday, March 15, 2009



I have had this window open to the "type your blog post here" screen for half a day. I have no idea what to say, how to say it, or anything. So here are some very mundane facts for you.

Juice: He and his nephews are playing their game just about every night. Sigh...fun for him, a little boring for me.

Me: I suppose I am being a little boring for him because I am trying my hardest to get through this month's book club book: The Poisonwood Bible. It's...interesting. I'm about 300 pages in so 200 left to go! I have also been getting a lot of girl movies lately so he doesn't want to watch those with me. Although he does pay attention and asks me questions sometimes. (Keeping it Simple Karen, this girl in North and South does remind me of someone!)

Butterfly: She is either a love or a beast. I suppose that's what 3 years old is for. She has caught on to the birthday spirit since everyone in my family has their birthday in Feb-May except for me. Parents and sibling included. She has started demanding different things for her birthday, like guns or a bird or a circus. Huh. We got her an electronic book set already so maybe we'll attach a toy to it (not a gun).

Pirate: His leg is doing fabulously. He really doesn't favor it at all. When he pulls himself up (which isn't often, but he wasn't doing it before his accident either) he stands on his toes and kind of leans over everything. I think it's because he's going to be the tallest kid ever. He is so long and skinny.

Professor: He has this little quirk of scrunching up his face when you go to wipe it off. But he starts scrunching even before you're in the room with the wipe. It's really very enduring. He has learned the fun of "pass the baby" and will go from my arms to Juice's arms and back giggling madly. He gets into everything, followed by his accomplice Pirate who then destroys what he's pulled out.

Soot: Is liking and not liking having the new puppy stay with us during the day. Willow wants to play often and Soot either allows her to pounce on her like a queen or runs away and growls if she gets too close. It's good for Soot to have a friend around. They love walking together so that's something. Willow also never runs from me with Soot around. Soot is a great example.

the House: Complete disaster. Last week something happened and I just don't want to do anything. And I'm not sure what that something was. Either way, I have a lot of must dos this week in regards to house keeping. Such as, I must move all those boxes of oatmeal out of my entry way.

the cars: Need oil changes. Now to find the time...

The city: Had a big St. Patty's Day parade yesterday.

The State: seems to be staying put.

The Nation: Well...not much I can say about that because I barely have time to look at my email let alone pay attention to the news.

The World: Still spinning. Wobbly.

The End: Right here.



  1. See? Sometimes the most interesting posts come when you don't think you have anything to say! Whatever hit you (your house) last week hit me too. I keep looking around wondering what happened. Yuck. Let's talk about this week soon!

  2. I think it's a universal thing I'm having to force myself to get things done! I'm glad your kids are still being cute.


I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller