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Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's cold!


Butterfly learned a new phrase today. Check out the video:

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That's Juice cleaning out the car in the back ground. We are getting ready for my brother and sil to come to visit us in a week and a half. As I got around to thinking about things that need to get done before they get here (clean sheets...Mom, you will be horrifed that the sheets are still dirty from our last visitors in May. But I had a good reason for it! They were hiding Christmas presents from Butterfly. I suppose they could have done that just as well clean...)
I figured that Bro and SIL's suitcases wouldn't fit in my car unless I took things out of the trunk. Like the bumper that Juice broke off last year trying to drive over a snow drift. Or the box to the carseat. I also had Juice vaccuum out the 20 lbs of gold fish and cereal we had in the back seat. He found half a banana from yesterday, and half an apple from sometime last month. Maybe? Icky stuff. So thanks Bro for motivating me to clean my car! :)

Juice was so productive today. All I did was watch Butterfly out the window, stay in my pjs until 2:30pm and wrap Christmas presents. Ahh...I love Saturdays at home.


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I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. --Helen Keller